If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with any type of skin cancer due to the events of 9/11, you may be eligible to receive compensation. Contact us today for a free consultation.
9/11 Skin Cancer Claims
The terrorist attacks on 9/11 claimed thousands of lives in minutes, unfortunately, the tragic consequences continue now more than nineteen years after the event. The aftermath of the attacks has caused many serious, or even fatal, latent health conditions for nearly 100,000 responders and survivors — including thousands of cases of malignant melanoma and other forms of 9/11 skin cancer.
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with Melanoma or a 9/11-related skin cancer you may be eligible for a tax-free cash VCF skin cancer award from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund.
Cannata, Hendele & Cannata have helped responders and survivors recover more than $300 Million in compensation, including 9/11-related skin cancer payouts, from the World Trade Center Victim Fund. Our lawyers are standing by, ready to file your claim.
Call 888-982-8428 or complete the claim evaluation form to discuss your claim with an experienced VCF lawyer today.
Causes of 9/11-related skin cancer
In the United States, each day more than 9,500 people are diagnosed with skin cancer. Cancers are some of the most common certified conditions by the WTC Health Program in 9/11 responders and survivors. With over 7,000 thousand certified claims of non-melanoma and melanoma, skin cancer tops the WTC Health Program's most recent list of certified cancers.
More than 400,000 first responders, volunteers, workers, students, and survivors who lived or worked in the NYC Exposure Zone were exposed to carcinogens in the toxic dust cloud that blanketed lower Manhattan following the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
After the twin towers collapsed, the airborne toxins that emanated in the dust in and around Ground Zero contained dozens of harmful particles, including asbestos, calcium carbonate, copper, insulation, iron, lead, glass, and gypsum among others.
There is evidence that skin cancer has emerged as a latent health issue for not only those who were present at the World Trade Center when it collapsed but also first responders, Ground Zero clean-up crews, lower Manhattan residents, workers, students, and others who exposed to harmful airborne toxins in the months following the attacks.
Malignant melanoma 9/11 skin cancer
According to the most recent data from WTC Health Program, 1,000 WTCHP members are living with melanoma skin cancer. Melanoma skin cancer is less common in responders and survivors than non-melanoma skin cancer but is often more aggressive.
Malignant melanoma can be caused by sun exposure, but recent studies suggest that 9/11 contributed to the rise in melanoma cases among Ground Zero workers and others exposed to toxic dust elements at or around Ground Zero.
As reported in The New York Post, epidemiology studies have confirmed that 9/11 rescue and recovery workers have significantly higher rates of skin melanoma than found in the general population.
Non-Melanoma 9/11 skin cancer
Virtually all types of skin cancers are covered conditions by the WTC Health Program including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and Kaposi's sarcoma.
Compared to melanoma cases, non-melanoma skin cancer is a more common condition among responders and survivors of 9/11, with over 5,000 WTCHP members living with non-melanoma skin cancer compared to melanoma skin cancer.
There are two main varieties of non-melanoma skin cancer, Basal and Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) is the most common variety of skin cancer and involves the growth of abnormal cells that begin in the basement membrane. This is also the most frequently occurring form of all cancer, with over 3.6 million cases diagnosed in the U.S. each year.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Squamous skin cancer (SCC) is the second most common form of skin cancer, with an estimated 1.8 million individuals diagnosed each year, SCC accounts for around 15 percent of all skin cancer cases in the U.S. The causes of squamous cell carcinoma are similar to that basal cell carcinoma, but the tumor's appearance is much different, as it has a scaly surface and tends to flatten.
VCF payout formula for 9/11 skin cancer claims
If you have developed skin cancer as a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, such an injury can be debilitating to both your physical and emotional wellbeing.
The 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund awards economic and non-economic compensation to responders and survivors for losses caused by their 9/11-related skin cancer condition(s).

Economic loss
Compensation for economic loss is awarded based on pecuniary losses such as loss of earnings and employment benefits, burial or memorial (if deceased), and certain past medical expenses. The VCF uses documentation from various third parties to obtain information relating to your earnings.
Non-economic loss
Compensation for non-economic loss may be awarded for damages that include: loss of enjoyment or quality-of-life; inconvenience from treatments or surgery procedures due to this condition; disfigurement caused by scarring on certain parts of the body where these wounds are prevalent; physical impairment; and mental anguish.
Generally, the maximum non-economic loss awarded for a 9/11-related skin cancer condition is $250,000. Factors such as whether or not the cancer has spread, will recur, or lead to permanent complications are considered in calculating the appropriate award amount. In some cases, the Special Master may consider multiple conditions — such as a diagnosis of multiple types of cancer — to determine whether you should be entitled to an award that exceeds this general limit.
Discuss your 9/11 skin cancer claim with a New York City WTC VCF attorney today
If you have been diagnosed with melanoma or another 9/11-related skin cancer, you may be entitled to compensation from the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Even if you have applied in the past and received a denial or aren’t sure if you meet current skin cancer eligibility guidelines, we encourage you to request a free consultation.
The process of submitting a VCF claim involves many complex regulations and confusing deadlines; a mistake, omission or misunderstanding of the rules can cause serious delays or may even result in your claim being denied.
The 9/11 skin cancer attorneys at Cannata, Hendele & Cannata have represented claimants and their families in VCF claims since the original compensation fund in 2004 and have recovered more than $300,000,000 on behalf of thousands of WTC victims.
We have years of experience navigating the complex claim filing process, and are dedicated to ensuring each client receives the financial compensation and benefits they deserve.
Our clients take comfort knowing our team of legal experts is here to answer all of your questions and will provide you with constant updates during your claim.
Call 1-888-982-8428 or complete our online claim evaluation form today to discuss your 9/11 skin cancer claim with an experienced WTC lawyer at our firm.