Leaders in the 9/11 community, dedicated to helping you recover
It is our honor and privilege to serve fellow members of the 9/11 community.

As one of the most respected VCF law firm's in New York City, our WTC VCF attorneys have successfully obtained more than $300 million for clients who have lost loved ones, were injured, or exposed to Ground Zero toxins on or after the tragic events of September 11th.
Cannata, Hendele & Cannata represents first responders, construction workers, cleaners, residents, and all 9/11 survivors in the September 11th litigation in Federal Court, Southern District of New York.
Partners, Gregory Cannata and Robert Grochow were appointed and privileged to serve as Plaintiffs’ Liaison Counsel for the entire 21 MC102 docket of over one thousand plaintiffs represented by several VCF law firms.
They obtained a total settlement of almost $60 million for their small group of individual clients.
In his decision approving the settlement of their clients’ claims, the Federal Judge overseeing the lawsuit described Mr. Cannata and Mr. Grochow as “zealous advocates for their clients throughout the litigation.”
It our honor and privilege to serve fellow members of the 9/11 community.
Common questions about the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund
Who can file a claim with the VCF?
Apart from members of the fire department (NYFD), the police (NYPD, and the first responders, you may be eligible to file a claim with the VCF if you:
- Were a cleanup volunteer or helped with debris removal
- Survived the attack but suffered physical injuries as a result
- Suffer from a certified 9/11-related illness
- Have a family member that was involved in the attack
- You were a visitor to the area where the attack happened
- Are a team member of WTC-area businesses
- Are a team member of the transit, sanitation, and utility department.
To confirm your eligibility, you must provide proof of the presence of either the survivor or the deceased victim in the NYC Exposure Zone between September 11, 2001, and May 30, 2002. You must also prove that you suffered from damage caused by the 9/11 terrorist attack. Your injury or medical condition must be covered under the 2010 Zadroga Act.
How can our VCF law firm help simplify the claims process?
Whether you are filing a case for yourself or a loved one that lost a life because of the 9-11 attack, the procedure can be draining, time-consuming, and confusing. Fortunately, our VCF lawyers are here to help you navigate the claims process, claim forms, and secure your rightful compensation.
To achieve this, our 9/11 attorneys can:
Help you get registered with the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP)
The claimant registration process is long, hectic, and has a deadline. Also, the registration deadline is not similar to the deadline of filing a claim. While it is true that the deadline for claimant registration ended on July 29, 2021, however, the VCF is clear that the said deadline was not for everyone.
With the help of our compassionate attorneys, you can still get registered depending on the type of VCF claim you are making.
Ensure your claim forms meet all deadlines and requirements
If you did not register before July 29, 2021, only the claimants registered within two years of the certification of 9/11-related illness or the time of death. However, with an experienced VCF lawyer, you can register immediately and ensure that you receive total compensation for your claim. It is important to note that time is of the essence for these claims.
Complete proper and full documentation
Proving non-economic loss can be tricky, mainly because it has everything to do with emotion. For instance, if you lost parental guidance when your loved one passed away, it can be difficult to prove that you were deprived of this fundamental right on your own.
Our WTC VCF law firm has handled over 1,000 of Victim Compensation Fund cases, so they know how to prove such things as economic losses. The compensation depends on how well you argue your case and present your evidence. A lawyer can help you with documentation of both economic and non-economic losses.
Help claimants obtain crucial documents
To file a VCF claim, we must prove your presence in the exposure zone. You will need vital documents such as proof of residence at the time, receipts, and utility bills to verify that. The 9/11 attack happened over 19 years ago, so finding such documents at the moment is not easy.
With the help of a lawyer, you can acquire these contemporaneous documents that will prove your presence in the exposure zone, making you fit to file for a VCF claim.
How long does it take to settle a VCF claim?
If all the needed documents are submitted, the VCF claim process can take up to four weeks before compensation is awarded. However, the time taken varies depending on how VCF interprets your claim and if you have any appeals. In some cases, the VCF might contact you asking for additional information after completing your initial claim filing.
How can I check my VCF claim status?
The VCF reviews claims on a "first-in, first-out" basis — meaning it prioritizes claims that came in first and have been waiting for review for extended periods. With that in mind, after making your claim, you can visit the official VCF website to find out the status of your claim.
When reviewing your claim and VCF requires additional information, they will contact you to provide the same. Our VCF lawyers can walk you through all these steps, and help you with any other information the VCF may require as well as help you check the status of your claim.
MORE: VCF claim process.